Cell phone Industry Analysis

Cell phone Industry Analysis-A guide about changing trends


Mobile phones are the most popular modes of communication used today. As they are wireless, they can be carried with you anywhere in the world and contact can be made easily with the owner of the cell phone. This significant increase in demand has made the cell phone industry grow at the lightening speed. From its birth to date, introduction of new models, innovative features, latest technologies and designs have given rise to a phenomenal competitive environment in the cell phone industry.

A cell phone industry analysis has put forward the following points regarding its trends, competition, and factors affecting the industry.

  • Networking Technology: When the mobile phones were introduced, initially there was no internet access feature in it. Gradually, as the internet gained fame and usage intensified, new mobile phones with internet technology were announced. Now, every cell phone may it be of any company has two wireless networking systems; one is Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), and other is the third generation (3G) networking. Fourth generation (4G), an upgraded version of 3G networking has also been introduced. Telecoms industry analysis says that mobiles with 4G technology are more in demand these days.
  • Phone Designs: As the term cell phones have been replaced by SMARTphones, a requirement for a smart outlook has also been multiplied. A phone that is sleek in design have a wide screen, highest resolution, and maximum megapixels is considered a smartphone. Moreover, along with the internal storage capacity, a battery that stays charged for minimum two days continually are the added features for a phone to be considered smart.
  • Mobile Banking: From the ease of communication to entertainment, mobile phones have now been optimized to serve as payment options too. May it b utility bills, payment of any business deals, school fees or credit card payment, just connect your phone to your bank account and voila! All will be done.
  • Competition: Cell phone industry analysis shows that with the new features being introduced in every model of every mobile phone company, cell phone industry analysis shows that a major competition goes on in the industry. This is though very healthy and fruitful for the users as we have better options to choose from. With all the competition in the air, a cell phone by a renowned company but with all the necessary and latest technologies can be bought at affordable prices.
  • Security issues: Research has shown that using mobile phones for longer periods have pose threats of serious health problems. Many studies conducted to prove this issue says that illnesses like tumors and cancers have been recorded because of over usage of the mobile phones. Furthermore, laws have been formulated in almost every country to restrict the use of cell phones while driving as many incidents have been recorded where fatal accidents took place because the driver was on a call while driving.

Through cell phone industry analysis, it can be predicted that new advancements in technology have paved the way for the development of innovative designs in cell phones. With the increasing demand, it is expected that it will develop with a rapid speed in near future.

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